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2023-03-23 11:30:12

Hari Raya Idul Adha 10 Zulhijah 1443/2022

Manajemen PT Bintaro Serpong Damai unit bisnis PT Nusantara Infrastructure di sektor Jalan Tol berbagi kebahagian kepada 300 warga melalui pendistribusian daging sapi di sekitaran area Gerbang Tol Pondok Aren pada 12 Juli 2022. Kegiatan ini dilakukan bertepatan dengan Hari Raya Idul Adha 10 Zulhijah 1443. Penyerahan daging kurban ini diberikan kepada perwakilan RT 003 dan RW 004 untuk dibagikan ke seluruh masyarakat sekitar area kantor Gebang Tol Pondok Aren. Kegiatan ini merupakan bentuk aksi peduli sosial terhadap masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk mempererat hubungan sosial sekaligus menjalin silaturrahmi perusahaan dengan warga di sekitar area operasional Perusahaan. The management of PT Bintaro Serpong Damai is the PT Nusantara Infrastructure's business unit in the Toll Road sector, shared happiness with 300 residents by distributing beef around the Pondok Aren Toll Gate area on July 12 2022. This activity was carried out to coincide with Eid al-Adha 10 Zulhijah 1443. This sacrifice was given to representatives of RT 003 and RW 004 to be distributed to all the people around the Gebang Tol Pondok Aren office area. This activity is a form of social care for the community which aims to strengthen social relations as well as establish friendly relations between the company and residents around the Company's operational areas.